
Communication - Compliance - Control

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ChemRTU’s provides on line tools to educate employees about the chemicals and the associated risks they are exposed to while ensuring the employer remains in compliance with legislation and the obligation to ensure employees understand the risks. ChemRTU can also provide tailored programs to support individual customer compliance requirements.



Our Categorization services provide the ability to categorize chemicals in line with a customer’s specific requirement. This may be a process based application, risk category, product grouping or approved customer use. Categorization can be used to support the identification of alternatives or to standardize the product population.   



ChemRTU can help you create an optimized chemical Catalog portfolio and manage or provide workflow to control any additions or deletions.


Chemical Compliance Services

The services we provide range from advisory consulting to the design and implementation of systems and process to meet industry compliance needs. We have access to industry and regulatory experts and the to provide qualified advice in the areas of their expertise. We provide our customer services and solutions which:
Simplify the Compliance and Communication of Chemical related information in a form that can be easily understood by all employees.


    SDS Authoring

    Our certified professionals can author original MSDSs, update existing MSDS's to SDS format, translate new or existing MSDS's/SDS's and review your existing inventory of MSDS's to ensure all documents are in compliance with current regional regulations.


    Audit Services

    We can perform on site audits to identify all chemicals, review compliance procedures and validate (M)SDS libraries to ensure they are complete and up to date. Our agenda is to identify any gaps and suggest the improvements necessary.


    Compliance Programs

    We have the capability to develop and implement tailored compliance programs. Companies that do not pay attention to product compliance risk thousands or millions in lost revenues and fines associated with violations.

    A developed compliance program can mitigate this risk.

Services Detail...



    We currently focus on GHS training via webinars, on line courses and in plant training if required. We can provide tailored programs to meet specific requirements and budgets.


    Catalog Creation

    We provide services to create a chemical Catalog optimized to meet customers objectives. This can include standardization, rationalization, categorization and supplier recommendation  services.


    Integrated Services

    We provide tailored on line services supporting the management of chemical data and information supporting compliance, control and communication to employees.